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Ruderalis Indica is a unique variety of cannabis that originates from Central and Eastern Europe. Unlike its more famous counterparts, Cannabis Sativa and Cannabis Indica, Ruderalis Indica is known for its ability to flower automatically, regardless of the light cycle. This characteristic is a result of its origins in regions with long, harsh winters and short summers, where the plant had to adapt to flower and reproduce quickly.

The Unique Characteristics of Ruderalis Indica

Ruderalis Indica stands out from other cannabis varieties due to several unique characteristics:

  • Autoflowering: Unlike other cannabis strains that require specific light cycles to flower, Ruderalis Indica begins to flower based on the age of the plant, not the light cycle.
  • Size: Ruderalis Indica plants are typically smaller and more compact than Sativa or Indica strains, making them ideal for indoor cultivation.
  • Resistance: These plants are known for their hardiness, able to withstand harsh climates and poor soil conditions where other cannabis strains would struggle.
  • THC and CBD Levels: Ruderalis Indica strains typically have lower THC levels but higher CBD levels, making them a popular choice for medicinal use.

The Role of Ruderalis Indica in Cannabis Breeding

In the world of cannabis breeding, Ruderalis Indica plays a crucial role due to its autoflowering characteristic. By crossbreeding Ruderalis Indica with other cannabis strains, breeders can create hybrids that carry this autoflowering trait. This has led to the development of a wide range of autoflowering strains that combine the potent effects and flavors of traditional Sativa and Indica strains with the easy-to-grow nature of Ruderalis Indica. These autoflowering strains have become increasingly popular among both recreational and medicinal cannabis users.

The Genetic Makeup of Ruderalis Indica

Ruderalis Indica is a unique cannabis variety, distinct from its Sativa and Indica counterparts. Its genetic makeup is characterized by several key traits:

  • Autoflowering: The most defining characteristic of Ruderalis Indica is its autoflowering ability. This trait is a survival mechanism that allows the plant to flower based on its age, rather than the light cycle.
  • Size and Structure: Genetically, Ruderalis Indica plants are smaller and more compact, with fewer branches and leaves. This makes them ideal for indoor cultivation or areas with limited space.
  • Resistance: The genetic makeup of Ruderalis Indica gives it a high resistance to harsh climates and poor soil conditions. This hardiness is a result of its origins in regions with challenging growing conditions.
  • Cannabinoid Profile: Ruderalis Indica typically has lower levels of THC, the psychoactive compound in cannabis, but higher levels of CBD, a non-psychoactive compound with numerous medicinal benefits.

The Medicinal Use of Ruderalis Indica

The unique genetic makeup of Ruderalis Indica, particularly its high CBD and low THC levels, make it a valuable plant for medicinal use. Some of the potential medicinal benefits include:

  • Pain Relief: CBD is known for its analgesic properties, making Ruderalis Indica strains a potential option for pain management.
  • Anti-Inflammatory: CBD also has anti-inflammatory properties, which can be beneficial for conditions such as arthritis or inflammatory bowel disease.
  • Anxiety and Depression: Some studies suggest that CBD may have potential as a treatment for anxiety and depression.
  • Neuroprotective Properties: Preliminary research indicates that CBD may have neuroprotective properties, offering potential benefits for conditions like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

Top Ruderalis Indica Strains

Several Ruderalis Indica strains have gained popularity due to their unique characteristics. Some of the top strains include:

  • Northern Light Automatic: This strain combines the potent effects of Northern Light with the easy-to-grow nature of Ruderalis Indica.
  • Royal Dwarf: A compact strain ideal for indoor cultivation, Royal Dwarf offers a balanced high with a pleasant, relaxing effect.
  • Easy Bud: As the name suggests, Easy Bud is a straightforward strain to grow, making it a popular choice for novice growers.

The Growth and Cultivation of Ruderalis Indica

Growing Ruderalis Indica is relatively straightforward due to its hardy nature and autoflowering characteristic. Key points to consider include:

  • Lighting: Unlike other cannabis strains, Ruderalis Indica does not require a specific light cycle to flower. This makes it easier to grow indoors or in regions with less predictable sunlight.
  • Climate: Ruderalis Indica is resistant to harsh climates and can thrive in conditions where other cannabis strains would struggle.
  • Size: Due to its compact size, Ruderalis Indica is ideal for indoor cultivation or areas with limited space.
  • Harvesting: Ruderalis Indica plants typically flower quickly and can be ready to harvest in as little as 10 weeks.

Ruderalis Indica Strain Growing Information

Flowering Time: 71 – 76 Days
Harvest Time: 82 Days
Flowering Type: Photoperiod
Height indoor: 30-60 Inches
Height outdoor: 30-60 Inches
Yield indoor: 0.5 – 1 Oz/Ft² (~ 300 g/m²)
Yield outdoor: 10 – 15 Oz/plant (~ 400 g/plant)

Ruderalis Indica Strain Cannabinoids

THC: 9.44 – 11.5%
CBD: 1.72 – 1.89%
CBC: 0.19 – 0.68%
CBG: 0.25 – 0.89%
CBN: 0.48 – 0.23%
THCV: 0.37 – 0.73%

Ruderalis Indica Terpene Profile

Camphene: 0.56%
Myrcene: 0.22%
Linalool: 0.22%
Total terpenes content: 1.00%

Ruderalis Indica Hybrids & Crossbreeds

  • Auto Original Orange Bud: Original Orange Bud x Ruderalis Indica
  • Auto Smokey: Ruderalis Indica x {Vintage 2006 mixed pollen x Ersb mixed pollen}
  • Caramelo Fast Version: Ruderalis Indica F4; Probably x Caramelo
  • Delicious Candy Fast Version: Ruderalis Indica F4; probably x Delicious Candy
  • Marmalate Fast Version: Ruderalis Indica F4; Probably x Marmalate
  • Sugar Black Rose Fast Version: Ruderalis Indica F4; Probably x Sugar Black Rose
  • Auto Afghan Skunk: Afghan Skunk x Ruderalis Indica
  • Auto Amnesia Lemon: Amnesia Lemon x Ruderalis Indica
  • Auto Gorilla Glue #4: Gorilla Glue#4 x Ruderalis Indica
  • Auto Haze: Pure Haze probably x Ruderalis Indica

The Future of Ruderalis Indica in the Cannabis Industry

The unique characteristics of Ruderalis Indica, particularly its autoflowering trait, make it a valuable plant in the cannabis industry. As breeders continue to experiment with crossbreeding Ruderalis Indica with other cannabis strains, we can expect to see an increasing number of autoflowering strains with diverse effects and flavors. Additionally, the high CBD and low THC levels of Ruderalis Indica make it a promising plant for the medicinal cannabis industry. As research into the medicinal benefits of CBD continues, the demand for high-CBD strains like Ruderalis Indica is likely to increase.


What is Ruderalis Indica?

Ruderalis Indica is a unique variety of cannabis that originates from Central and Eastern Europe. It is known for its autoflowering ability, hardiness, and high CBD levels.

Does Ruderalis Indica make you high?

Ruderalis Indica typically has lower levels of THC, the psychoactive compound in cannabis that causes a high. However, the exact effects can vary depending on the specific strain and the individual’s tolerance.

What kind of high is Ruderalis?

Given its lower THC levels, Ruderalis Indica strains typically produce a milder high compared to most Sativa and Indica strains. The high is often described as clear-headed and relaxing, rather than intensely psychoactive.

Is Ruderalis rare?

Ruderalis Indica is less common than Sativa and Indica strains, but it is not considered rare. It is widely used in cannabis breeding due to its unique autoflowering trait.